Adventure Therapy and Its Role in Recovery

Often, people who habitually abuse drugs and alcohol are really searching for an escape. They need a reprieve from the everyday or the pains of life. Getting high may not be their first choice to achieve this, but drugs can act as an emotional qick-fix. Adventure…

Ambien and Alcohol

Ambien prescriptions have increased over the last decade due to rising cases of insomnia. People often seek it as a less-harmful replacement for benzodiazepines. However, ambien can be just as addictive as benzos. Ambien and alcohol can also have dangerous…

Recognizing ETOH Abuse

ETOH Meaning ETOH is an abbreviation for the chemical composition of ethyl alcohol or ethanol. All of these terms are titles for what most people refer to as simply “alcohol.” Alcohol is a substance used in beverages to enhance their flavor & affect the drinker’s…