Our Resources Are Vast on Drug Rehab Colorado!

We are very lucky to live, dwell and work in such an incredibly diverse, vast and resourcefully rich Colorado Springs! Additionally, we have some of the most talented, highly expereinced staff in the industry. Many of our guests and families have told us that the program changed their lives but it was the connection with nature and the holistic endeavors they expereinced that changed the way they look at this beautiful world.

There are a million types of variety found in the human character, we try to provide just as many resources to fit and thoroughly furnish every attribute of addictive personality traits.

Join us in the pages below to find the resource you are looking for and give us a call so we can explain the process in grave detail, one by, one.

Mountain View Recovery Treatment Programs

Patient Resources

Addiction is complex, which means treatment and long-term recovery are complex. Despite this, it shouldn’t scare anyone – patients or their loved ones. It just means that treatment and recovery both require thorough and thoughtful planning.

Outpatient Program

Our outpatient program (OP) is a transition preparatory phase. It provides a minimum of nine (9) hours of weekly outpatient treatment. This involves a minimum of one (1) hour/s individual substance abuse/behavioral health counseling per week.

Adventure Therapy

For a long time, nature has been seen as a balm to the problems we face in society. Even during pre-industrial times, people would seek out the countryside as a means to feel better. Many people have also used nature as a way to understand the world.

Trauma and Recovery

Just like physical trauma occurs, so does psychological trauma. Any number of traumatizing events occur and cause psychological trauma. A lot of people will experience trauma before or because of addiction. It’s possible for addiction to deepen…


Nobody sets out with the intention of becoming addicted to anything. Even someone making a conscious decision to try substances is not intending to become dependent, experience withdrawal, and risk overdose or death. There are numerous factors.