Cocaine Vs Crack – What’s the Difference?
Cocaine and crack are almost chemically identical. They are also equally dangerous, and using them carries the same risk of dependency, overdose, and death. So why do they each come with their own stigmas and associations in our society? Though they produce very similar effects, these two forms of the same drug each have their own histories, price points, and user demographics. Per the National Center for Health Statistics, 5.5 million people used cocaine in 2018. Of these, 757,000 used crack.
Cocaine is a powerful, highly addictive stimulant that goes by many different names. Specifically, Coke, Crack, Snow, and Blow are some of the most common, and often refer to the way the cocaine is processed and used. A white crystalline powder derived from the South American Coca plant, it can produce intense confidence and energy for a short period of time (usually less than an hour, and sometimes only a few minutes). Immediacy and length of a high is one of the most noticeable differences between cocaine and crack.
Cocaine is usually snorted through the nose, although it can also be smoked or injected. It is frequently mixed with other serious drugs such as methamphetamines or opioids like heroin and fentanyl, often without the cocaine user’s knowledge. Chemical dependency can also develop more quickly with cocaine than with other drugs. In some cases, cocaine and crack users can develop an abuse disorder after just a few uses.
What Makes Crack Different?
Crack Cocaine is the “rock” version of cocaine. A derivative of cocaine, which is a powdered hydrochloride salt, crack is created when pure cocaine (or a mix of cocaine and other fillers) is processed into a solid using baking soda and water. It is then broken into chunks and smoked with a crack pipe. The name “crack” refers to the crackling sound that occurs when these are smoked.