Living in Colorado

Living in Colorado

Colorado Springs, true to its name, lies in Colorado, a state in the Western United States. The Rockies cut right through the center of the state, providing varied geography and stunning natural beauty. The state boasts an impressive number of trails and trailheads,...

Trazodone High

TRAZODONE HIGH There are many different reasons why people misuse and abuse drugs. For some, there is the desire to cope with underlying issues. Others are possibly looking to experiment with drugs to experience a high – which could also potentially stem from a...


Speedballing is a slang term that refers to the mixing of cocaine with heroin or benzodiazepines. Cocaine, a stimulant, combined with heroin, an opioid, yields a mixture that users usually inject directly into their bloodstream, or one after the other. Cocaine...

Sleeping Pill Overdose

SLEEP AIDS AND SLEEPING PILL OVERDOSE Sleeping pills include any medication specifically intended to aid sleep. When correctly prescribed and used, sleeping pills can help certain people sleep better and lead a healthier lifestyle. However, they also come with harmful...

Meth Overdose

Meth Overdose Methamphetamine, also known simply as “meth”, is a dangerous and highly addictive drug. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reported from a 2017 survey that approximately 1.6 million people had reported methamphetamine use and approximately...